Category: Allgemein

  • Dass Baustellen KEIN Hindernis sein müssen . . .

    That construction sites do NOT have to be an obstacle . . .

    . . .davon konnten sich die Besucherinnen und Besucher des DeuSAT 2025 in Köln überzeugen. Denn auf dem Stand des Netzwerkes Open Smart Mobility zeigten die beteiligten Unternehmen, wie Baustellen dank digitaler und taktiler Lösungen sicher für alle gemacht werden können. Intensiv getestet wird beispielsweise die aktuell an einer Großbaustelle in Hannover im direkten…

  • Verbesserte Orientierung am Marktplatz in Halle (Saale)

    Improved orientation on the market square in Halle (Saale)

    People with visual impairments often find it difficult to orientate themselves in large public spaces in particular. Crowds of people, heavy traffic and different noises lead to stress and confusing situations. The city of Halle (Saale) has tackled this problem by using technology to improve orientation on the central market square.

  • Wir gratulieren . . .

    Congratulations . . .

    . . . unserem Netzwerkpartner Trapeze und dem Schweizerischen Blinden- und Sehbehindertenverband (SBV) zum Großauftrag der Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe (BVG). Alle Informationen finden Sie hier

  • Großer Feldtest in Niedersachsen

    Major field test in Lower Saxony

    The Landesbildungszentrum für Blinde (LBZB) in Hanover supports blind and visually impaired children, young people and young adolescents on their way to a self-determined life. Counseling, early intervention, school and vocational training and much more take place there under one roof. Accessibility cannot be rated highly enough in a place like this, as safety and perfect orientation are the top priorities.

  • Herzlichen Glückwunsch


    Our network partner, SCHAEFER GmbH, will equip the entire Vienna subway stations - 99 stations with 300 elevators - with its technology so that all elevators can be operated via smartphone app. A truly groundbreaking, international success! Liftboy The app not only allows users to find the elevator, but also provides information on the individual floors, the respective conditions at the exit and the relevant subway lines.

  • Smart mobil mit MindTags

    Smart mobile with MindTags

    When we blind people are out and about, we always take a few big questions with us. How do I get to my destination and where do I get information from? If we are lucky, solutions are prepared for both. But other questions often arise: How do I know that there are solutions and how do I find them? This in turn also explains why we find ideas in all shapes and sizes.