Major field test in Lower Saxony

The Landesbildungszentrum für Blinde (LBZB) in Hanover supports blind and visually impaired children, young people and young adolescents on their way to a self-determined life. Counseling, early intervention, school and vocational training and much more take place there under one roof. Accessibility cannot be rated highly enough in a place like this, as safety and perfect orientation are the top priorities.

For this reason, a major “endurance test” is starting on the LBZB site with the use of so-called “talking stones” and additional location points. Multilingualism is being used there for the first time. Depending on the language in which the app is set on the user's smartphone, the voice output of the installed systems is also adapted so that previous language barriers can be eliminated.

Die Vorbereitungen laufen für die offizielle Inbetriebnahme passend zur Hilfsmittelausstellung Mitte September 2024. Weitere Projekte, wie der Marktplatz in Halle, stehen schon in der Pipeline und sollen noch in diesem Jahr realisiert werden.

CONCLUSION:The widespread use of this technology in public places ensures greater accessibility.

Post: RTB GmbH & Co. KG