Bild zeigt Baustellenaufbau der DeuSAT-Messe

That construction sites do NOT have to be an obstacle . . .

. . . visitors to DeuSAT 2025 in Cologne were able to see for themselves. DeuSAT 2025 in Köln überzeugen.

At the stand of the Open Smart Mobility network, the participating companies showed how construction sites can be made safe for everyone thanks to digital and tactile solutions.

For example, technology is currently being intensively tested at a major construction site in Hanover in the immediate vicinity of the State Education Center for the Blind. The entire roadway there is being renovated over a length of one kilometer in 18 months, which will lead to significant restrictions.

Acoustic signals, which briefly become louder when a person approaches with the corresponding app on their smartphone, indicate the direct and safe route through the construction site or provide information on accessible points of sale, for example. Additional temporary tactile guidelines provide further support. Important findings are expected from this extensive field test with numerous affected people on site, which should lead to a standardized construction site safety.

CONCLUSION:Construction sites no longer have to be a source of fear for people with special needs.

Post: RTB GmbH & Co. KG